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Studies and business life

My curriculum

2011:            Conferment of the title "professor" by the government of the Canton

                     St. Gallen (CH)

since 2004: Teacher of physics (in German and English language) and

                     astronomy at Kanti Wil (CH)

2002-2004:  Avocational post-graduate study of didactics at the University of Zurich

                    (CH); 2nd diploma ("Diplom für das Höhere Lehramt")

2002-2005: Teacher of physics and mathematics at Minerva in Zurich (CH)

1997-2002: Insurance mathematics and IT management at Swisslife in Zurich (CH)

1996-1997: Postdoc position at CERN in Geneva (CH)

1993-1996: Preparation of a physics PhD-thesis at CERN in Geneva (CH)

1992-1993: Preparation of a physics diploma thesis at CERN in Geneva (CH)

1990-1992: Study of physics at the University of Heidelberg (DE)

1987-1990: Study of physics at the University of Kaiserslautern (DE)

1984-1987: High school at PAG Montabaur (DE); high school diploma

1982-1984: Apprenticeship as mechanic at Klöckner in Hirtscheid (DE)

1977-1982: Secondary school at Realschule Westerburg (DE)

1975-1977: Secondary school at the KAG Westerburg (DE)

1971-1975: Primary school in Stockum-Püschen and Enspel (DE)

1965:          Born in the German "Westerwald"

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